
Lessons from COVID 19: Are we finally ready to make opioid treatment accessible?
“New protocols developed in response to COVID-19 will provide a natural experiment for clinicians, researchers, and advocates to study the impact of lower threshold treatment on patient health and overdose risk. These examples provide a path for the U.S. to follow when the COVID-19 crisis passes, and an opportunity to re-build an addiction treatment system focused on health rather than character reformation or punishment. In this way, this experience can contribute to much-needed improvements in addressing the overdose epidemic and a chance to reduce long-term inequities and suffering across our communities” (From article, Krawczyk, Fingerhood & Agus, 2020)
Full citation:
Krawczyk N, Fingerhood MI, Agus D (2020).
Lessons from COVID 19: Are we finally ready to make opioid treatment accessible?
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 117, 108074. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108074. PMCID: PMC7336118.