
Realizing virtual care in VA: Supporting the healthcare system’s journey towards enhanced access, engagement, and outcomes
“As a healthcare system that serves over 5 million patients per year and maintains a robust and comprehensive electronic health record, VHA has an opportunity to lead the nation in further generation of evidence about virtual care’s potential impact, and to explore more nuanced questions regarding its optimal use. VHA’s Virtual Care SOTA revealed the breadth of research topics that demand attention across the domains of access, engagement, and outcomes. The papers in this special issue illustrate the high-quality research that is already emerging from VHA’s network of virtual care researchers, as well as the important work still to do to support the realization of virtual care in VHA.”
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Hogan TP, Sherman SE, Dardashti N, McMahon N, Slightam C, Zulman DM (2024).
Realizing virtual care in VA: Supporting the healthcare system’s journey towards enhanced access, engagement, and outcomes
Journal of General Internal Medicine, 39 (Suppl 1), 1-4. doi: 10.1007/s11606-024-08618-9. PMCID: PMC10937885.